Becoming an Oblate

Tyburn Oblates are Catholics who wish to be Benedictine Oblates affiliated to Tyburn Convent and are animated by the spirit of the Congregation of the Adorers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of Montmartre, of the Order of St Benedict, founded by Mother Mary of St Peter (Adèle Garnier).


Tyburn Oblates

The fundamental spirit of the Congregation is dedication to the glory of God and the fulfilling of His holy Will in close union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  The Congregation is totally consecrated to the worship and praise of the adorable Trinity through and in union with the Heart of Christ living in the Eucharist.  It achieves this primarily by participation in the Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass, the choral celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours, and the perpetual adoration of the Holy Eucharist.


Being an Oblate of Tyburn Monastery, O.S.B. comes with certain obligations:

  1. To live in the spirit of the Rule of St Benedict.

  2. To participate in Holy Mass whenever possible.

  3. To say the Morning Offering of Mother Foundress daily.

  4. To say at least Lauds and Compline from the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office).  If prevented, to say the Rosary.

  5. To make 15 minutes personal prayer daily (when convenient, before the Blessed Sacrament).

  6. Each month to make half an hour's personal prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

  7. To renew the Oblation annually on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, and notify the Director of Oblates that this has been done.


After at least three months of preliminary trial, the candidate receives the scapular and enters upon at least one year of novitiate.  If they persevere in their desire to live in accordance with the spirit of the Rule, they are permitted to make the Oblation.

At this time, the Oblate writes out a formula of oblation which is kept in the archives of the monastery.  The Oblates are under the spiritual guidance of the monastery to which they are affiliated.


For more information, please contact us.