Christmas Newsletter

We are a bit late putting up this Christmas Newsletter but hope that you all had a very joyful Christmas and that 2019 may bring you all every blessing. You may read the Newsletter here

The end of last year brought us some extra help as Dave from Canada stayed a month and did lots of good and urgently needed work in the gardens. Then Cosi, an oblate from Australia came to assist us in the guesthouse, looking after the numerous visitors of this time. Sarah Grace lived in for a month and also was a great help. We thank God for sending these good ‘angels’ to help us.

Our monastery now has a new, very big sign at the front gate, made by our friend Owen Pauling. We had reports of people going up and down Dods Road, looking in vain for the monastery. Our orignal sign was somewhat small, and the monastery cannot be seen from the road, as it has a long and winding driveway which was from the first nicknamed ‘Gods Road’. Now it is impossible to miss the entrance so all newcomers can thank Owen for making us easier to find.
